"As you live you learn" what a fantastic saying, true and very relevant to all things in life. Your life can change in a heartbeat for good or for bad.
I am still learning, i am still learning about life-people-and best of all photography. Another saying used a lot over years is "the camera never lies" well in this age of fast high technology you can make an image that has an end result resembling nothing like the original, AIRBRUSHING-CLONING-LIQUEFYING are just a few tools that alter a finished look.
So OK whats my point well all this tech is great but is awesome if you can capture images that are as near to what you want when you take them..... in the heady days of film a light meter was a photographers best friend, in fact it was a necessity unless you spent money on expensive kit that had auto mode.
In all honesty though i personally feel the basic rules still apply and if you believe as i do that working with light as your master and not your kit you have an advantage over the opposition. Ansel Adams did not have a Nikon or Cannon that takes pictures in the dark he used a plate camera and a timer method, all the great photographers of the film era are sadly getting on now but thank the lord we have fantastic photographers that continue to push the envelope and drive this fantastic art form to a new level.
Photography enters all our lives everyday and when you take that step to commit to someone on your wedding day it is this artform that gives you your memories to look back on, how much emotion you feel when you look at a set of your wedding images is down to the bride and groom and their photographer........ have a nice day.
Wayne Brown x